Uniting gastronomy and sustainable development for a thriving future in Iloilo City through the JPT Edible Landscape (EDISCAPE) project.

The EDISCAPE which stands for Edible Landscape, a project in Iloilo City embodying a visionary approach that intertwines the principles of sustainable development and the power of gastronomy. This groundbreaking initiative aims to create a harmonious blend of culinary excellence, cultural preservation, and environmental stewardship, aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

At its core, the EDISCAPE project seeks to promote sustainable food systems and local gastronomic heritage. By embracing organic farming practices, supporting local food producers, and encouraging the use of locally sourced ingredients, Iloilo City showcases its commitment to SDG 2: Zero Hunger and SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. Through these sustainable food production methods, the project reduces the ecological footprint while ensuring the availability of nutritious, wholesome, and culturally significant meals.

EDISCAPE also places a strong emphasis on preserving the region’s culinary traditions. By revitalizing traditional Ilonggo cuisine, the project aligns with SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, as it fosters cultural preservation and promotes the unique gastronomic heritage of Iloilo City. Local chefs and culinary enthusiasts are encouraged to rediscover age-old recipes, cooking techniques, and flavors, thus safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage and contributing to SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Moreover, the EDISCAPE project recognizes the potential of gastronomy in promoting sustainable tourism. By organizing food festivals, culinary events, and gastronomic tours, Iloilo City attracts visitors who seek authentic culinary experiences while supporting the local economy. These initiatives contribute to SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, by creating new opportunities for food entrepreneurs, farmers, and artisans.

A crucial component of EDISCAPE is the emphasis on food education and raising awareness about sustainable practices. Through workshops, seminars, and educational campaigns, the project promotes SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being by encouraging nutritious eating habits and raising awareness about the environmental impact of food choices. By empowering individuals with knowledge, Iloilo City aims to build a more conscious and responsible community, advancing SDG 4: Quality Education.

The EDISCAPE project in Iloilo City is a shining example of how gastronomy can be harnessed as a catalyst for sustainable development. By integrating culinary excellence, cultural preservation, and sustainable practices, the project aligns with multiple SDGs, ranging from zero hunger and responsible consumption to sustainable cities and communities. Through its holistic approach, Iloilo City paves the way for a more sustainable and vibrant future, where gastronomy becomes a driving force for positive change.